10 Reasons You’ll Love WordPress

If you’re considering building a WordPress site as a hobby, or for your business then it’s hard to go past the WordPress content management platform.  Using a system like WordPress means that you can focus on what you do (content) rather than having to employ expensive coders to build your site.   Yes, you may need someone to set it up for you, but afterwards, you can maintain the content yourself.  That’s a big advantage for any cost-sensitive business.  If that alone doesn’t convince you here are ten other reasons:

1. WordPress is free

Everyone loves free stuff.  The WordPress engine, as well as many of the plugins and themes, are free.  WordPress is completely free with full functionality which means you don’t have to pay for any hidden extras for this powerful content management tool. WordPress gives you the opportunity to manage your website yourself.

2. WordPress is user-friendly even for beginners

I say to people if you’ve ever used word processing software and the Internet then you can use WordPress.  The user interface is so intuitive that people who have never used a website can find their way around and do useful stuff. Creating a page or a blog post in WordPress is super simple, you type your words and press Post.

You’ve got loads of control.  You can type your content and modify it with colours, and different type styles like (bold, italics and underline). You can add headings, align text, and add pictures and hyperlinks too.

3. Add features easily with Plugins

WordPress has a lot of hand features built in.  That said, if you need WordPress to do more than it does ‘out of the box’, then you can search the WordPress repository for plugins that do the job for you. Many of these plugins are completely free and built by the WordPress developer community.

For example, if you need a contact form that emails you messages from visitors, there’s a plugin for that.  If you want to build a complete Learning Management System in WordPress, there’s a plugin for that too.
WordPress offers you plugins for just about anything you can imagine you want to do.

4. Great SEO options

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is easy with WordPress.  There are several popular plugins that will help you manage your content and ensure your website is SEO compliant. This is important to help you get great search engine placing that helps people find your website.

5. More themes than you can use

If you want a great looking site, then WordPress will help you do that.  WordPress has tens of thousands of themes for you to choose from. Some free, and some premium.  Developers can also easily build themes for your website to give you a unique look to match your brand.
WordPress Themes are skins that you add to WordPress to change the look of your website. With built-in access to the theme repository you can choose a different theme from inside WordPress – it’s very easy.

6. WordPress is built for blogging

You may think you don’t need a blog, but having the blogging functionality helps your website grow in a few ways – firstly even if you don’t ‘blog’, you may want to display ‘news’. The blogging function can be used for the same thing.

Blogging or the production of news on your site ensures that your content remains fresh and gives website visitors a reason to return to your site.  Visitors return to this site to read new posts we place here on a regular basis. You need to be doing the same thing.

Because you can do this from inside WordPress, you don’t need to pay a developer to add your post each time you want to make a content change.

7. WordPress is flexible and can be used for almost anything

WordPress is a content management system, but the plugins you can add will allow it to do almost anything – you can run a newspaper, build an online learning platform, sell goods or services or even run your a podcast network all using WordPress using plugins found for free in the WordPress repository.

Let your imagination run free, and you can do it with the help of WordPress, easily.

8. WordPress helps you to sell stuff

With great free plugins like WooCommerce, you can sell physical goods (things that get mailed to customers) or virtual goods (things delivered through the website, or via email) very easily. Add the plugin, create your products, setup a payment gateway like Paypal and you’re set to sell.  Online stores can be setup in just a few hours, and you can start making sales the same day.

9. Nearly everyone supports WordPress

WordPress is popular – many people use it, and many people build software plugins for it. This means that if there’s a snag, there are people who can help you out.

When you search Google, you’ll find a lot of forums, posts and support from web developers and designers because it’s one of the most commonly used web platforms in the world.

And even if you don’t want to do it yourself, there are people like us who can help you get the job done.

10. Nearly every host offers WordPress built-in

Most popular web hosts including Asporea Hosting offer WordPress as an easy one-click install which means that you can add WordPress with a few clicks – in five minutes you can be setting up your first WordPress website.  What are you waiting for?

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