By harnessing the power of the Cloud you can improve your website performance by 65% or more.
Your decision to put your website content into the Cloud could be the best decision you make all year!
Many website owners are waking up to the colossal benefits of cloud-distributed content because of the way it cleanly optimizes and distributes your content from the network web server closest to your website visitor.
The result is the your website visitors experience faster page-load times and optimal website performance equal to the biggest websites on the internet.
Our cloud-based servers also block web-threats and limiting the action of bots and crawlers from chewing up your bandwidth and server results. Once websites are powered they see significant improvements in both performance and a decrease in spam attacks.
Our services can can be used by anyone with a website and their own domain, regardless of your choice in platform and we are experts at helping our customers establish cloud-assisted content delivery for their websites.
It’s quick, inexpensive and you don’t need to install and maintain any new software. You don’t even need to change your website’s code. We set it up for you and your visitors get the improved experience from a global network of web servers almost immediately.
If you were ever unhappy with the performance of the service you just switch it off. It’s that simple.
Your website enabled with cloud-assisted content delivery will – on average:
- load twice as fast
- use 60% less bandwidth
- have 65% fewer requests and;
- be way more secure
Contact us for an obligation free discussion about how we can help you.
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