Is Search Engine Optimisation for me?

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is the process of creating, redesigning or restructing web pages and whole sites so they can be discovered and read by search engines in the most efficient way.

SEO is important for every website owner because it helps website visitors find your site.

People may visit your website from an address printed on your business’ vehicle, business card or letterhead.  You may even have taken out Pay Per Click internet advertising, or a radio or TV commercial but the reach of these mediums is restricted to who sees your advertisement.  It’s quite inefficient.

The truth about your website is that many more people could be visiting through search engine results.   Search engines provide a free way for people to find your website when they have a need – just-in-time – but many websites are just not prepared in the right way.

This means that without quality SEO Services many people won’t know you exist… simply because your website content is not appearing in their search results.

When people type your product or service into the search engine your website needs to be at the top of the search results.

That’s in-part what SEO is about… it’s about matching the descriptions of your products and services with the way people think, so that when they use a search engine your results come up more often and higher in the search results.

Why you should engage an SEO expert

Every search engine works slightly differently and has specific rules about what they consider acceptable SEO techniques. These rules are used to block deliberate ‘gaming’ techniques and keep search results as pure as possible.

Engaging an expert will not only save you time, but ensure that your results will not land you in virtual ‘hot water’ with search engines which could result in your site becoming demoted in search results or banned altogether.

When can results be expected?

Search Engine Optimisation does take time to see results because Search engines reindex websites at their own pace.  But generally you will start to see results within the first 2-4 weeks including:

  1. Improved position in search engine results
  2. Removal or demotion of less important website pages
  3. Matching your products and services with regularly used search terms

Our team work hard with our clients to ensure that we are across and know best practice SEO techniques.  We are happy to share this knowledge with you and start improving your website results.

Our SEO team are always available for an obligation free discussion about how we can help you with your next project.

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