Simplifying Zoom Calls with WordPress

Are you a business owner who has moved consulting or services onto Zoom this year?  The one complaint I hear most often from people who have transformed their businesses with Zoom, is how much time it can take to negotiate timezones and find a mutually acceptable meeting time to set up a call. One-off calls can be simple enough, but when your entire business relies on making calls throughout the day, the cumulative administrative time can really add up.

At Asporea we have been working with our clients to build a self-selection model where your clients choose the best time that suits them, from a range of available times provided by you.  The user selects a time, and the website does the rest.  It sends a reminder, books the zoom call and sends the client a link to the call so they can join at the right time.  It even shows your available times in the client’s timezone so you don’t have to worry about time offsets.  It makes the whole process of booking meetings with zoom super simple.

Imagine being able to publish your appointment times online – and have them booked within the windows of time you are available. A visitor will see only the available times in their timezone, which avoids any confusion about when they should turn up. Whether you choose to charge for your time or offer it for free a person can choose their appointment time, and then the website automatically books a private zoom call for you and sends an appointment confirmation to you and the visitor.

The best part is that you are completely in control of your schedule.  If you only want to do your meetings between 9 and 11am on a Tuesday, you can block that time.  You can specify the length of time for your calls, and you can decide how much time you want between calls.  You setup the rules and times, and your smart zoom enabled website does the rest.

These are the types of solutions we have been rolling out to our clients, saving them time and money on everything from casual appointments to regular sales prospecting calls. If your business is one where your time is money, then this timesaving innovation can be really helpful to ensure that you are spending more of your time making money, and less time on time-sucking admin work. Our customers tell us that the automation we setup saves them 20 minutes per call. These are savings that you can have too regardless of whether your appointment-based business is a hairdresser, technical support or even part of the legal fraternity.

If you are interested in automating the process of booking your customers in for appointments using Zoom then send us a message and get in contact. You’ll be surprised at how little it can cost you to cut down on unnecessary business administration.

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